Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 5th! Please share with family and friends!
9 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Please make note of a change to the school calendar. There will be no school on Monday, April 8th due to the anticipated volume of extra traffic and people in the area for the solar eclipse.
9 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Here are some upcoming school calendar events over the next few days. First, students will be dismissed 3 hours early on Thursday, February 15 for school improvement activities. In addition, there will be no school on Friday, February 16 due to parent/teacher conferences and Monday, February 19 for Presidents Day.
9 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Each year Illinois schools are required to participate in a survey of learning conditions to provide valuable data on continuous school improvement. We are asking that one parent/guardian from each household take the short survey at the link below for each school in which they have a child attending.
9 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Pre-K openings available. Call 618-395-7258 ext. 6100 to schedule a Pre-K Screening being held on February 21st.
10 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
No school on Monday, January 22 due to icy road and parking lot conditions.
10 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
No school today due to slick road conditions and falling windchill temperatures throughout the day.
10 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Coming Soon! A Toy Drive at the RCES Gym on December 18 & 19 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. FREE Toys and FREE Coats and Sweatshirts all sizes.
11 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Click on the link to purchase ERFAE Raffle Tickets online.
Support ERFAE who Supports our Students and our Schools!
Only 500 tickets will be sold!
12 months ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Thank you to all our school board members, we appreciate your dedication to our students, staff and community.
about 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Here are some upcoming school calendar reminders: There will be no school on Friday, November 10 due to the observance of Veterans Day. Second, students will be dismissed 3 hours early on Thursday, November 16 for school improvement activities and parent/teacher conferences and there will be no school on Friday, November 17. Finally, students will be released one hour early on Tuesday, November 21 and there will be no school on Wednesday, November 22 through Friday, November 24 for Thanksgiving break.
about 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Mark your calendars for the Open House at the Early Learning Center!
about 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
We are very excited to welcome students back tomorrow! Please note we will follow the regular dismissal schedule. If you drop off and pick up your child from school, please allow a little extra time for increased traffic the first several days. Let's have a great school year!
over 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Attention all parents/guardians of bus riders, our bus drivers are looking forward to working with you to ensure your child is transported to and from school in a safe manner this school year. Please take some time to read over and review with your child the School Bus Expectations document provided at the link below. Thanks in advance for your support!
over 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
RCCU#1 will continue to offer FREE meals to all students for the 2023-2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Online registration for the 2023-24 school year will begin on Monday, July 17 and run through July 24. You will be able to register your students by going to Skyward Family Access and entering your username and password. If you have forgotten your username and/or password, please contact your student’s school. Parents who do not have computer access or require assistance may come to the school on Thursday, July 20 between 10:00 am-6:00 pm.
over 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
First day of student attendance for the 2023-24 school year is Wednesday, August 16th.
Online registration will be July 17 - 24.
Have a great summer!
over 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
2023 ERFAE Teacher of the Year Awards
Congratulations to Shannon Winters, Julie Clodfelter, and Amy McVicker!
Thank you ERFAE Members, Janilyn Travis and Krista Nealis, for presenting to our teachers!
over 1 year ago, Richland County CUSD #1
Congratulations to our RCCU #1 Retirees! Thank You for Your Service to Education!
L to R Chris Simpson - Superintendent, Shannon Winters - RCHS, Debbie Gray - RCES, Greg Michels - (Honoree for Suzanne MIchels - RCES), Tracy Dobbs - RCES, Brenda Washburn - RCES, Denyse Eagleson - RCHS, Jessica Leaf - Transportation (not pictured Shannon Hough - RCMS)